Monday, May 7, 2012

We're the Devils!

When some random guy I found on google, Joseph Joubert, said.....
"A part of kindness is loving people more than they deserve."

I GUARANTEE he never met a Philly fan.

Some grad students were in need of validation on Sunday night.  I had the privilege of chauffeuring a group of wild nymphas/ninfas/ninfos... nerds.  I was able to catch the Philadelphia Flyers lose to the New Jersey Devils while sitting in a bar filled with Flyers fan.  Don't worry I got tested for hepatitis earlier today, all is well.

Listening to a fan of any Philly team is a guaranteed loss of ten IQ points.
(About the same as reading my blog)

What is wrong with Philadelphia fans????

I am certain they have a genetic flaw.  Perhaps an extra chromosome?  Maybe their mother never gave them any pudding?  Or they carry a zombie virus?  If zombies took over this planet I would fully expect the blame to fall on the hands of Philly fans.  Whatever it is, it directly impairs their cognitive ability. 

With each devils goal I did a slightly calmer version of David Puddy minus the face paint.

In retrospect, my calmness was the direct result of a 0.0% bac.  I have learned that you shouldn't celebrate too much around these zombies when their team inevitably chokes.  Especially when your "wrecking crew" is three lovely ladies with an affection for dirty martinis, margaritas, buttery nipples, birds, wisconsin cheese, and feminist discourse.