Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Special

In honor of Mother's day...
I give you 5 moms that gaveth when they should have taketh away.
Don't worry, Moms, Father's day is right around the corner.  
I won't forget them next month.

Judy Rocker delivered this gem.

Pamela Tebow was so close, at least John Elway had some guts!

Evie Sandusky crapped out this.

Galynn Brady unearthed this prick.

And last but not least the Jaws of Life were used to extract this from 
Carleen Fozzy Bear Frodo Allen.

At least the first 4 mothers probably got a new house out of the ordeal.  
I'm trying mom, maybe this classy blog will make me rich some day.  
Or better yet, reward us with a lifetime supply of Pudding.

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