Friday, May 4, 2012

T-Rex Syndrome?

Everyday I am provided with the joy of listening to people overreact.  Whether the reaction is from a customer, a direct report, a peer, or a boss, it is universally the same thing. 

A situation (rarely of importance and usually fabricated) is mentioned.  One of a very few individuals will provide a clear and simple response/answer/solution.  Great!  Situation covered, let's move on..... ohhh shit here comes a herd of T-Rex.

A herd of T-Rex? 
I thought they usually travelled alone? 

Yea no shit, but not where I spend 40 hrs of my life on a weekly basis.  Imagine dealing with a few at one time.  These personalities are the equivalent of a T-Rex placed in a confined area and prohibited from eating people.  They just yell while waving their short little arms.

Since they are T-Rexae.... none of their panicked screaming makes a damn bit of sense.

How can this possibly be a positive, productive, and eventually successful environment?

While asking myself this question I instantly thought of a few great coaches and their lack of T-Rexness. 

John Wooden
Phil Jackson
Bill Belichick.
Tony Dungy
How many times has anyone seen these 4 lose their Pudding?  This trait, or lack there of, shouldn't go unnoticed.  Even a schmuck like myself can venture to the land of Wikipedia and read about Emotional Intelligence.  I think if we work really hard....we can get the T-Rex pushed in the right direction.




  1. You don't have to be a T-Rex to win this battle. Proof:

  2. i'm glad i have high emotional intelligence... and i'm sure it will only get better with this phd


  4. Ryan can we have some details of life at the office???? I need some motivation to continue with the PhD.
