Thursday, April 25, 2013

With Honor I Continue To Mention...

The countdown continues with another honorable mention.  If you don't know what countdown I'm referring to, read my last damn post you son of a bitch.

Honorable Mention (14)
What About Bob ---- Turk Wendell

I can sum up What About Bob in 5 words... Bill Murray is the man.  Yes, feel free to consider me a wordsmith.  This shirt is already in the mail, and headed for my home.  You won't find a better shirt to sport if your agenda involves fucking shit up, or snacking on a bowl of puddin.


Bob Wiley is one of Bill Murray's best characters.  Murray has certainly provided better performances in his career, The great "Big Ern" McCracken comes to my mind. Having said that, the other films just struggle to deliver the way What About Bob does.

As we head for number 1 I assure you I will avoid obscure teams and athletes, but I just couldn't live with myself if I didn't make this connection.  Turk Wendell was baseball's weirdo for almost a decade.  His superstitions went to extreme levels. It hasn't been confirmed that he needed Dr. Marvin's books to get through the day, but something tells me he could have benefited from a vaca at Lake Winnipesaukee.  
Turk was known for the following whacked rituals.

- Always chewing black licorice while on the mound.
- Always leaping like a jackass over the third base path.
- Brushing his teeth between innings.
- Wearing the teeth of all the animals he killed.
- Demanding his contract be written exactly at 9,999,999.99.

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