Saturday, March 9, 2013


Two NFL stories released on this fine Saturday have my simple brain thinking they are probably related:

1. The Pittsburgh Steelers released five time pro bowler and defensive player of the year James Harrison.

2. The NFL and players association crept closer to an in season Human Growth Hormone testing program.    

To be clear up front, the NFL has more hyped up players taking performance enhancing drugs than any other sport.  There is no sport based more on power and speed than Football.  You could possibly argue combat sports like MMA also fall into this category. These guys are all taking something, anything, to get an advantage. Let's not kid ourselves about any of this.  If you continue to be surprised by these neanderthals, and the lengths they will go to stay competitive, you're also a neanderthal.  

Naturally, the NFL has taken a strong public stance on Steroids.  Especially after the abuses that occurred in the 70's and early 80's.  As the Steroid test have begun to at least appear more rigid than in the past, these beasts find other means to get stronger and faster.  Enter Human Growth Hormone (HGH), an absolutely wonderful tool to mix in with their cocktail of steroids and pain killers.  This hormone stimulates bone and tissue growth throughout the body.  In basic terms, it helps your bones/joints to grow and therefore how more muscle and also increases recovery.  

Bone Growth!?!?  What the fuck, that doesn't sound like a great idea to an average person, but it definitely sounds great to a gifted athlete who wants to be the best. By far the funniest part about the bone growth is how big your head can get on this shit.  Just look at this god damn thing... Harrison looks like a cartoon character. There is no doubt this dude has been ingesting HGH like puddin since he went from a no-namer out of Kent State to a champion, and defensive player of the year.  

The most publicly known abuser of HGH is Barry Bonds.  Everyone knows that he transformed from a pencil neck chump into the beard of zeus pretty quickly.   Nobody can hide their head and brow increasing in size, nope, sorry, can't be done. Barry's head started to engulf his ears it got so big.    


Arod, another known HGH inhaler.

Sosa saved basbeall with his HGH cranium.

Lebron tries to hide his HGH lust with a headband.

As a kid I never thought my baseball cards would predict the future...

1 comment:

  1. i think i might still have that baseball card in my collection, lol
