Thursday, March 7, 2013

Brady Redemption?

I have always despised Tom Brady.  As long as I can remember, he was a tool. Knowing that he hasn't won a super bowl in the 8 years since the league caught his team and head coach cheating....

Icing on the cake!

The extent to which they were cheating
 was never revealed by The Fuerher Roger Goodell.

One could easily argue there is a big reason for that.  The Pats won 3 Super Bowls in a short amount of time, always making the "right adjustments" in the second half of pivotal games.  The bastards cheated, got away with it, and the league buried the proof to avoid embarrassment.  A very common scenario in professional sports, just ask David Stern and Michael Jordan.  Jordan was caught gambling and banned from basketball for a year retired and decided to play baseball for a year.

Tom Brady is one of the great quarterbacks of all time, he is no shlub, just a tool. Recently, ol' Tommy Boy signed a contract that raised the ire of many:  under market value, loaded with suspicion, but still a more than reasonable amount of guaranteed money which extends late into his career.  What is this?  Tom Brady making an effort to win without cheating?  No way, can't be.  Did he just do something admirable?  It appears that way.  I would not be surprised if sleezy Robert Kraft gave him double secret shares of the Kraft conglomerate as quiet compensation in the deal.

Let's just say this arrangement is actually on the "up and up" and he really wants to win a title without cheating.  The team is able to sign some quality support and they go on to finally win their first honest title.  Does this remove him from the land of giant dildos?  It pains me to say, but I would have to consider it.  Considering something of such magnitude is difficult for a sports fan.  It's been over fifteen years and I still wish pain on Michael Jordan.  Karma is clearly kicking Jordan in the balls, have you seen the Bobcats play?  Jordan is the worst owner in basketball.  It's puddin-riffic. Tommy Boy appears to have done something rarely done before in professional sports.  Maybe he is making amends for whatever deal he made with the devil years ago?

Hell, I even find myself respecting a deal with the devil, it has to be fun to party with Satan!  Having said this, Satan or not, Bill Bellicek is still a lumpy piece of shit. How can I begin to tolerate a player who reports to a lumpy piece of shit?  Ahh HA! This is where it all comes together... Tommy, if you are reading this, and you want my respect, all you gotta do is hit Bellicek with your car.  You don't even have to drive fast when you do it.  That lump of shit would splat at any rate over 9 mph. I'll leave it up to you if you want your mistress in the car when you do it.



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